A Paleta e o Mundo
Permanent site-specific intervention, Escola Secundária de Camões, Lisboa, 2024

In 2010, I was invited by architect João Pedro Fabio de Campos to collaborate on the project for the revitalization of the Camões Secondary School, a luminous project by architect Ventura Terra, with the task of bringing color to the space. I worked from the idea of restoration as a process that recovers space and memory, while simultaneously constructing history.
My intervention is expressed on the walls of classrooms, laboratories, and some common areas, through a monochromatic mural painting to which a date and a phrase are associated, revealing, in a non-linear way, an event. It is a relational grammar between semantics, form, and color that contaminates architectural space and thought. More than a compilation of shapes, colors, and events, this work exists as an archive that is activated every time someone questions it. It starts a conversation. Because that is what art does.
07.11.2022-14.11.2022 pelo clima unidos ocupamos, resistimos e lutamos por isso ficamos aqui
07.11.2022-14.11.2022 for the climate united we occupy, resist and fight, so we stay here
26.11.1967 cinco mil estudantes uniram-se num gesto enorme de solidariedade
26.11.1967 five thousand students united in a huge gesture of solidarity
(s/data) os alunos saíram da sala descalços para que fosse impossível descobrir a quem faltava um sapato
(n.d.) the students left the classroom barefoot so that it would be impossible to find out who was missing a shoe
1971-1972 sinais do tempo, chegaram ao liceu mais de quinhentas raparigas e uma vice-reitora
1971-1972 signs of the times, more than five hundred girls and a female vice-principal arrived at the school
1926-1929 algo, entretanto, acontecera. o mundo tornava-se maior e outra coisa
1926-1929 something had happened in the meantime. the world became bigger and something else
2019-2024 vieram mãos de muitos lugares para reparar o tempo. obrigade
2019-2024 hands came from many places to repair the time. thank you
My intervention is expressed on the walls of classrooms, laboratories, and some common areas, through a monochromatic mural painting to which a date and a phrase are associated, revealing, in a non-linear way, an event. It is a relational grammar between semantics, form, and color that contaminates architectural space and thought. More than a compilation of shapes, colors, and events, this work exists as an archive that is activated every time someone questions it. It starts a conversation. Because that is what art does.
07.11.2022-14.11.2022 pelo clima unidos ocupamos, resistimos e lutamos por isso ficamos aqui
07.11.2022-14.11.2022 for the climate united we occupy, resist and fight, so we stay here
26.11.1967 cinco mil estudantes uniram-se num gesto enorme de solidariedade
26.11.1967 five thousand students united in a huge gesture of solidarity
(s/data) os alunos saíram da sala descalços para que fosse impossível descobrir a quem faltava um sapato
(n.d.) the students left the classroom barefoot so that it would be impossible to find out who was missing a shoe
1971-1972 sinais do tempo, chegaram ao liceu mais de quinhentas raparigas e uma vice-reitora
1971-1972 signs of the times, more than five hundred girls and a female vice-principal arrived at the school
1926-1929 algo, entretanto, acontecera. o mundo tornava-se maior e outra coisa
1926-1929 something had happened in the meantime. the world became bigger and something else
2019-2024 vieram mãos de muitos lugares para reparar o tempo. obrigade
2019-2024 hands came from many places to repair the time. thank you
Photos: António Jorge Silva