Having Words

Having Words, 2016

Polished stainless steel and copies of the book Having Words (by Denise Scott Brown, London: Architectural Association Publications, 2009) / 18 × 11 × 10.5 cm


A Cidade Incompleta

Solo exhibiton, Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Elvas, Elvas, 2021 / Curated by Delfim Sardo


Solo exhibition, MEIAC Santo Tirso, 2018 / Curated by Álvaro Moreira

Fernanda Fragateiro: dos arquivos, à matéria, à construção

Solo exhibition, MAAT , Lisboa, 2017 / Curated by Sara Antónia Matos

The Reserve of Things in their Latent State

Solo exhibition, Fundação Eugénio de Almeida, Évora, 2017 / Curated by Adam Budak


Solo exhibition, ARRATIA BEAR, Berlin, 2017

Photos: António Jorge Silva

© Fernanda Fragateiro 2023